How To Choose The Right Dance Style For Yourself
Choosing a dance style may seem like a decision that you can make in a split second. All you need to do is choose any style you like. It...

Better Late Than Never: 4 Reasons To Take Adult Ballet Lessons
As an adult, the thought of learning a new physical skill like ballet can seem overwhelming and intimidating. Whether it is the fear of...

5 Tips For Taking Care Of Tap Shoes With Results
As a dancer, you would know that your tap shoes go through a lot - classes, shows, practices and so much more. The dust and floor wax...
Why dance is a great learning for all
“ To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth, and it is yours for the...

Take Your First Steps Towards A Career In Dancing With All Star Studios In NYC
For some, it is the very essence of living or a mere hobby but for every individual, dance is a way to vent out the negative energy and...